Clarity. Confidence. Community. Connection.

Awaken Your Courageous Light

Spring 2025

Big Sur, Ca.

A Retreat for Women


A 3 Day Weekend Retreat 

Rest. Heal. Restore. Rise up.

  • 2 nights stay @Wilde Big Sur retreat center.
  • Healthy, beautiful meals.
  • Practices and places to connect with yourself and be nourished.
I'd love to be there!


A 9 month Transformational Experience

We begin September 28th, 2024

  • Two Zoom sessions per month.
  • Two 1 day retreats .
  • Weekly videos with activities and practices for healing and transformation. 
  • Music to inspire and uplift.
  • Connections and conversations with conscious women.
What a prefect time for me to begin this journey!


Begin your Journey now!

Include both for a special price: $999 + $222.11 per month

  • Attend the 3 day retreat in Big Sur.
  • Begin the 9 month Journey. 
  • An integration of your transformation.
I am so ready for this!

What women are saying...

“I left with clarity and more self-awareness and I now know how to claim my power in life.”

-Baylee Blackburn

“Everything became so clear to me and what I wanted for myself and my future. It’s like the door to eternity opened up.”

-Adrienne Cimarrusti

"A space where women can share what is going on in life while also identifying what might be blocking them in taking control of their destiny.”

-Christina M.

More questions?


If you are considering joining us for either the retreat, the 9 month Journey or both, and... you still have questions, sign up for a complimentary Clarity & Confidence call with Bernadine!