Clarity. Confidence. Community. Connection.

Phoenix in Flight

September 28th, 2024

A 9 month transformative journey


A Ā deep journey to Enhance the Experience of YourSelf

What you will get:

  • Step into Your Fullest Expression and Joy.
  • Deepen trust in yourself.
  • Finally prioritize what you love most.
  • Release anxieties and expand your strengths.
  • Balance your life with what energizes You rather than being overwhelmed by what drains you.
  • Raise your capacity to feel good and for things to go well for You for longer periods of time.
  • Dance with your creative nature, sense of peace, ability to be content.
  • Awaken your innate intuition, wisdom and confidence.

What's included?

*Powerful conversations with women on the journey with you with weekly prompts.

*Monthly recorded videosĀ  and workbook activities on somatic practices for nervous system regulation, meditations & visualizations for relaxation and manifestation, creative exercises for healing, clearing and transformation.

*Playlists to inspire growth, insights and to keep you aligned with your joy.

*Self care practices for maintaining your well being all along the way and tons of resources with events and other services for support.

*Guest speakers with deep wisdom for better health, personal and professional integrity, creative expression and more joy in your life.

2 hour Zoom calls 2 days per month

Start the journey here

LiveĀ in the ways that fulfill your heart. This is how you love and nurture yourSelf.


Join us on this 9 month journey into the inner most parts of who you have been, who you are and inspiring who you'd like to become.

Beginning Saturday, September 28th- June 2025

Sign up for Phoenix in Flight at $1999/ $222.11 per month

This includes-

*Videos and practices for healing and deep growth.

*Consistent connection and conversations with women in the program.

*Inspiring music playlists themed with topics we are focusing on.

*Resources of other professional women for support in all areas of life.

*Twice a Month- 2 hour group call.

*2 full day retreats in Santa Cruz, Ca.


  • Wise Women's Council Zoom calls twice a month-included!
  • Discounts onĀ additional retreats through Women Who Are Up to Something!


We recommend including in your journey:

Awaken Your Courageous Light

A 3 day retreat in Big Sur, Ca.

Spring 2025

$999* for Program Participants.

$1299 for non-participants

Includes all meals and lodging, as well as the full weekend's events and access to the amazing grounds @ Wilde Big Sur retreat center.

*Opportunity to add this to your purchase when you check out.